Tinkers Projects

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Vibrating Table Mk2Main
Vibrating Table Mk20
Vibrating Table Mk21
Vibrating Table Mk22
Vibrating Table Mk23
Vibrating Table Mk24
Vibrating Table Mk25
Vibrating Table Mk26
This is the second version of the vibrating table. This new table uses an electromagnet oscillating at 50Hz to make the vibrations for the table. It has more vibration power than the first which used a motor with an offset weight. since the table has more power, the spring needed to be upgraded to heavier duty springs. As an experiment, I tried to use Prototyping PCBs from PCBWay and somehow works very well. the electromagnet used is listed below https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1PC-25W-57-25MM-Vibration-plate-electromagnet-Vibrating-Direct-vibration-feeder-fine-copper-coil/32818497338.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dEf2Om1
This is the second version of the vibrating table. This new table uses an electromagnet oscillating at 50Hz to make the vibrations for the table. It has more vibration power than the first which used a motor with an offset weight. since the table has more power, the spring needed to be upgraded to heavier duty springs. As an experiment, I tried to use Prototyping PCBs from PCBWay and somehow works very well. the electromagnet used is listed below https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1PC-25W-57-25MM-Vibration-plate-electromagnet-Vibrating-Direct-vibration-feeder-fine-copper-coil/32818497338.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dEf2Om1