Tinkers Projects

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Nerf Turret ShooterMain
Nerf Turret Shooter0
Nerf Turret Shooter1
Nerf Turret Shooter2
Nerf Turret Shooter3
Nerf Turret Shooter4
Nerf Turret Shooter5
Nerf Turret Shooter6
I wanted to make something that could shoot nerf darts or disk when triggered. I have been looking around for a nerf blaster that I could modify but I have not been able to find one. I could have used a nerf dart blaster but through the disks or balls would be more interesting to play with. One day I just ordered some disks to see what I can do with them. After a few tests, I came up with this design. I tried to make the shooter to be a desktop turret with a round body that can put into a tube. after making the turret, I thought it looked cool without the tube.

The Turret

The turret uses normal nerf disks that can be bought from Aliexpress for cheap and uses 2 hobby motors at 12V to shoot the disks. A 9g hobby RC servo is used to push the disks into the motors for shooting. The system is all controlled from a custom PCB to make the electronics neat and easily mounted.

Code for Project

GNU General Public License v3.0
#include <Servo.h>

Servo shootingServo;
#define motorpin A1
#define startpin 0
unsigned long lastHigh = 0;

void setup() 
    pinMode(motorpin, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(startpin, INPUT);
    pinMode(1, INPUT);

void loop() 
        lastHigh = millis();

    if(lastHigh+1000 < millis())
I wanted to make something that could shoot nerf darts or disk when triggered. I have been looking around for a nerf blaster that I could modify but I have not been able to find one. I could have used a nerf dart blaster but through the disks or balls would be more interesting to play with. One day I just ordered some disks to see what I can do with them. After a few tests, I came up with this design. I tried to make the shooter to be a desktop turret with a round body that can put into a tube. after making the turret, I thought it looked cool without the tube.

The Turret

The turret uses normal nerf disks that can be bought from Aliexpress for cheap and uses 2 hobby motors at 12V to shoot the disks. A 9g hobby RC servo is used to push the disks into the motors for shooting. The system is all controlled from a custom PCB to make the electronics neat and easily mounted.