The old laser cutters water cooling system was very simple with no monitoring and only consisting of a fish pond pump in a bucket of water. For a while now, I have been wanting the upgrade to a system with flow and temperature monitoring. The new systems use a 5L reservoir water tank and a 12V pump to run the water to the CO2 laser with a flow sensor and 5 temperature sensor. On the side of the cooling system is an LCD that displays the temperatures and warnings when the temperatures rise above a max temperature. If a warning appears on the LCD, a buzzer will sound, indicating there is a problem. The 5 temperatures are located in the reservoir tank, on the motor after cooling and before/after the laser. The motor is all run off the
PLEX board. This system will not control the pump.
1x PLEX or Arduino UNO board1x 16x2 LCD5x DS18B20 digital temperature sensor1x Hall water flow meter1x buzzerHow to use the monitor:
The monitor Program can be found here: The PLEX PCB can be found here: