Tinkers Projects

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ESP12 Bar-code Scanner

Categories: WiFi

ESP12 Bar-code ScannerMain
ESP12 Bar-code Scanner0
ESP12 Bar-code Scanner1
ESP12 Bar-code Scanner2
ESP12 Bar-code Scanner3
ESP12 Bar-code Scanner4
ESP12 Bar-code Scanner5
ESP12 Bar-code Scanner6
ESP12 Bar-code Scanner7
ESP12 Bar-code Scanner8

ESP12 Bar-code Scanner

Categories: WiFi

This WIFI barcode scanner is going to be used for my project dashboard, Projects and Parts. It will be used to keep track of parts and locations of parts. The parts will be placed in small containers with barcodes it and the barcode scanner can scan parts in/out of different locations and change the quantity. The ESP-12E barcode board could be made to work with most APIs that the ESP-12E can connect too. parts list - Barcode reader (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Low-price-CCD-Barcode-Scan-engine-1D-ttl-rs232-usb-small-barcode-scanner-module/32847993312.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dTPX8qz) - Projects and Parts or other API (will be rename sometime) (https://project.tinkersprojects.com/) - ESP-12E barcode board with LEDO diplay (contact me, ESP-12E barcode board not releced yet) - 9V PP3 battery and battery clip - 4x4mm M3 brass insert, qty 2 - 4mmxM3, qty 2 - 6mmxM3, qty 2 - 3D printed parts (main body, buttons x3, back holder)
This WIFI barcode scanner is going to be used for my project dashboard, Projects and Parts. It will be used to keep track of parts and locations of parts. The parts will be placed in small containers with barcodes it and the barcode scanner can scan parts in/out of different locations and change the quantity. The ESP-12E barcode board could be made to work with most APIs that the ESP-12E can connect too. parts list - Barcode reader (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Low-price-CCD-Barcode-Scan-engine-1D-ttl-rs232-usb-small-barcode-scanner-module/32847993312.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dTPX8qz) - Projects and Parts or other API (will be rename sometime) (https://project.tinkersprojects.com/) - ESP-12E barcode board with LEDO diplay (contact me, ESP-12E barcode board not releced yet) - 9V PP3 battery and battery clip - 4x4mm M3 brass insert, qty 2 - 4mmxM3, qty 2 - 6mmxM3, qty 2 - 3D printed parts (main body, buttons x3, back holder)