Development/Testing Board
This is a replacement development PCB to replace a breadboard. The PCB uses 2mm banana plugs to connect components, power and Arduino microcontroller ATMEGA328P IO pins. Breadboard are great but I find them annoying placing the components in then cutting wire for the connection. By default, they don't easily have different power voltages or microcontroller. when you have a microcontroller it takes up a lot of space. I wanted a controller that I could just try different configuration to development and tests if my ideas could work. I made this a while ago and have been waiting for the PCB to arrive from being manufacturing. After I soldered most of the components I wanted to see if it's good and I was very happy with how it worked out. The only problem I could see is that the brass inserts are expensive. The first circuit configuration that I need to test is the classic Arduino blinky project. I downloaded the Arduino blinky program to the PCB's Arduino microcontroller changing the pin from 13 to 3. From here I could wire pin 3 directly to a LED or could drive an LED using NPN, PNP, N-ch MOSFET or P-ch MOSFET transistor. This controller will help me with my current and future projects.
components avalible:
Resistors (330R, 1K, 10K and 100K)Capasitors (10uF, 1uF and 0.1uF)DiodesNPN transistorsPNP transistorsN-ch MOSFET transistorsP-ch MOSFET transistorsLDRLEDsButtonspotentiometerArduino UNO with USB(pin: D2, D3, D9, D10, A0, A1, A2 and A3)Power (Vcc, 5V and 3.3V)If I run out of components, I can use 2 boards.