Tinkers Projects

Imagine | Develop | Create

Seeing what CNC or computer numerical control has always been very interesting to me. The current machines and what the can do is incredible. So many different uses for them in the manufacturing space. These machines run off Gcode which are location or action commands generated from the computer.

But I think a lot of the machines are too complex and need so much experience to uses and run. I have not seen many machines that can be controlled through GCode. I have seen lots that runoff PLC controller, the problem with PLC controlled machines is that there designed for one task but this can be the best part about the machine. If the machine is going 1000 or more rotations then it's great.

Local Uses and Manufacturing

For the past few years, I have been using a DIY CNC mill that a friend had made. It has been a great machine but needs lots of upgrades to make it better.

Recently I have been trying to be designing machines to allow more flexible uses. I have made an Arduino library that allows the machine to read the GCode and have custom actions for any codes. The link is below for the library.

Currently, there is no generator that can make GCode for these customs machines and will need to look into that further.

My goals

  • My Mill needs upgrading.
  • Make custom machines that can preform custom tasks dependent on the GCode run on the machine.
  • Making software to generate the custom GCode for the custom machines.